Sunday, 12 February 2012

Lek Interview

Lek interview

So for the L.E.K. Interview it consisted of two interviews of lengths 45 mins and a numerical test of 30 minutes.

The application process was relatively simple - cover letter, and cv. I received an interview invite on late November for their January recruitment.

Yesterday I was invited to a closed presentation whereby candidates involved in this round of interviews attended. At the presentation it was attended by roughly 30 or so candidates who had the first round interviews the next day. The candidates varied from art students & engineering / science finalists to phd's who were applying directly for a specialist health life sciences.

The presentation was just lek sucking up to themselves telling us about the company and 3 people from different ranks talked about their experiences.

Then we had a networking time drinks with buffet snacks and wine being served, I talked with my interviewers for tomorrow potentially.

So the first round consisted of 2 interviews and a numerical GMAT style questions with half the Questions being sufficiency type.

The first interview started with motivational questions:

1) so looking at your cv what is your best achievement
2) why lek
3) why management consultancy

Then the question was Market sizing.

Estimate the Market siZe for baby powdered milk. So I did the standard analysis assume population is uniformly distributed etc

Also then if 1 percent of the babies was allergic to the standard baby milk --> I
Was asked to explore this

The second interview

Why management consultancy?

Then the case was to estimate the number of new rubbish collector trucks that would need to manufactured in a year ( assuming - the life Cycle of one is 8 years) - he gave me some numbers with respect to how much waste is produced, how much each person produces in year (500 tonnes) and assuming 12 tonnes of waste carried with 80 percent capacity used.

After he asked about the effects of changing from wholly waste to splitting this into two streams ie recycled and non recycled and the effects on the capacity.

Then he asked if one should invest in technology to manage the downstreaming and automate waste management ie fixed cost vs variable cost argument

Then got me to draw a graph of unit price vs volume of waste.

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